A Champions Mindset Dr. Harold E.Shinitzky
Part two of interview Feb 1, 2024
Dr. Shinitzky has written three (3) books and currently is working on his fourth (4th) focused on narcissist specifically for those who have been in a relationship with one. As his mind and mission is to continue to assist with a “champions mindset,” his 5th book will be a second edition of “A Champions Mindset.” During his work with highly talented athletes he learned there is a common denominator mindset. Many highly talented athletes use perfectionism and incorrectly think, “If I am not the best I am the worst” his goal is to assist with a change of mindset and “Seek Excellence not Perfection.”
Dr. Harold E. Shinitzky Psy. D. is a licensed psychologist, motivational speaker, consultant, and author. His office is in St. Petersburg, Florida. He has been helping to make a difference in the lives of others for over 30 years. He specializes in Sport Psychology and is the author of A Champion’s Mindset.
Dr. Shinitzky was the Director of Prevention Services in the Department of Pediatrics while at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institution. He developed the youth prevention and resiliency curriculum, “Project Champions”.
Dr. Shinitzky was voted by his colleagues to be President of the Florida Psychological Association. He presented for the United Nations in Italy, He has been the Mental Health Correspondent for numerous networks, and consults with Olympians, professional, collegiate, and developing junior athletes.
For more information www.DrShinitzky.com #Onetofollow